Improving quality of life.

How you’ve made a difference in 2020/21

Whatever your question, we’re here.

COVID-19 has been particularly challenging for families impacted by cancer, but your support has ensured these families receive information and support when they needed it the most.

$in financial assistance payments

people struggling with the high cost of cancer received financial assistance – a 13% increase from the previous year

1.1 million

kilometers driven by our Transport to Treatment drivers, helping cancer patients and carers get to their treatment


cancer patients received cleaning and gardening assistance


cancer patients and carers received affordable accommodation so they could stay close to their treatment centres

You’ve provided a place for people to go when they have questions about cancer

This year, our 13 11 20 Information and Support team received 10,870 calls and emails from people affected by cancer, health professionals and the general public.

Read more about 13 11 20

“It would have been a completely different story if I hadn’t reached out. That support was life-saving.”
– Bridget Montague, cervical cancer survivor

Read Bridget’s story

Overcoming the barriers of COVID-19

Cancer Council’s Pro Bono Program provides people affected by cancer across Australia with access to free legal, financial planning, small business accounting and workplace assistance, where they would be otherwise unable to do so due to cost, illness or other barriers.

In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic presented a new barrier to accessing this assistance, but the team at Cancer Council and its national network of pro bono professionals pivoted to overcome challenges and ensure this vital service continued.

Read more

What’s next: We’re listening

We want to make sure you are getting the right information and support at the right time. To make this happen, the first step is for us to listen and ask what you need. In October 2021, our unmet needs survey will go out to those within NSW who have been affected by cancer. We’ll be looking carefully at your answers so we can enhance our existing services, create new ones and ensure we are meeting your needs throughout the cancer experience and beyond.

This year, we continued to grow and strengthen our valued partnerships with our corporate partners, trusts and foundations, beneficiary partners and major donors who are committed to our vision of a cancer free future.

Thank you to our partners