After a cancer diagnosis, it is natural to have days when you feel sad or worried. Sometimes a person may begin to feel “stuck” in their distress and feel depressed or anxious. If this is the case for you or someone you care about, it is important to seek help.
We offer counselling for individuals or couples who are impacted by cancer.
Our professional counsellors understand the many challenges that can occur because of cancer, such as relationship issues, anxiety, grief or fear. They will help you explore these feelings and create strategies so that you are better able to cope.
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I’ve been lucky to have had some counselling through Cancer Council, which has been fantastic. I would recommend anyone going through the same situation to go through counselling through Cancer Council.Linda, ovarian cancer patient
Your questions
You may need to seek cancer counselling support if:
- you feel isolated or not really understood
- family and friends don’t understand the impact of the cancer diagnosis
- fear, uncertainty and concerns about the future are overwhelming you
- your relationships have become a bit more difficult to manage
- you find it difficult to focus on your normal daily activities
- you are spending most of your time thinking about cancer
- someone close to you is dying or has died from cancer.
We recommend you talk to your GP or call Lifeline on 13 11 14 if you are thinking about self-harm, harming someone else or taking your own life.
Counselling support can be:
- face to face, by phone or online
- sessions can be for individuals or couples
- up to six sessions per person.
Yes, fees apply. Financial subsidy is available for those experiencing financial hardship.
Call us on 13 11 20 to discuss your counselling support needs.