Improving outcomes for priority populations.
How you’ve made a difference in 2020/21
Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan: Year 1 update
At the end of last year, our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) was endorsed by Reconciliation Australia. This year, our focus has been putting the RAP into action as part of our ongoing commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, by creating a culturally safe and responsive organisation.
Career Trackers intern
We’re committed to building trusted partnerships and improving outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We’ve continued to participate in the intern program run by Career Trackers – a national non-profit whose goal is to empower young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults to create bright professional futures, by providing pathways and support systems for them to graduate from university and gain industry experience.
This program allows us to support students from early in their career path, as well as develop our workforce by building relationships and learning experiences. The program, which we have successfully participated in since 2019, has been a success for the students and teams involved, as well as the wider organisation. This internship is now embedded into our Reconciliation Action Plan as well as our Diversity & Inclusion Strategy, and we will continue to offer this opportunity in the years to come.
What’s next
Next year, we will deliver a campaign that will aim to improve cervical cancer outcomes and reduce inequities between socio-economic groups in NSW, leading the way for NSW to be the first jurisdiction in Australia to eliminate cervical cancer. We’ll do this by taking a targeted approach to increase awareness and access to cervical self-collection for under-screened populations and equip primary care providers for delivery. This will be further supported by community awareness events.
This year, we continued to grow and strengthen our valued partnerships with our corporate partners, trusts and foundations, beneficiary partners and major donors who are committed to our vision of a cancer free future.