Tag: Tackling Tobacco
EOIs are NOW OPEN for Community Service Organisations to apply for the 2024/2025 round of the Tackling Tobacco program.
Through this partnership, RFDSSE were able to offer smoking cessation support & Cancer Council could reach remote NSW.
Billabong Clubhouse decided to purchase a carbon monoxide monitor (Smokerlyzer) to help their members quit smoking.
The Buttery updated its existing data collection system by developing a Tackling Tobacco form. Read more.
Lives Lived Well partnered with Tackling Tobacco to support their clients recovering from alcohol and drugs to quit smoking.
Belmont Neighbourhood Centre successfully completed the Tackling Tobacco training program in late 2019.
Yes Unlimited joined the Tackling Tobacco program to increase their organisation’s capacity to address smoking.
Our Tackling Tobacco program is equipping community groups to help consumers with mental illness quit smoking.
Tackling Tobacco provides training and tools to community organisations that help people with mental illness quit smoking.
Tamworth Aboriginal Medical Service (TAMS) is a primary health care service supporting Aboriginal community in the Tamworth region.