Tag: Improve your long game

Slip, Slop, Slap’s sun safety message is as important as ever for melanoma survivor Anna.

tony wearing sunsmart hat smiling at golf course

While golf may be his favourite hobby, Tony is very passionate about sun safety.

Unfortunately, men are more likely to be diagnosed with cancer than women, with one in two men diagnosed at some point in their lifetime. Bowel cancer, melanoma and lung cancer are three of the  most common cancers in Australia, however, men are considerably more likely to be diagnosed and die from these cancers.  Men’s Health Week is June 13 – […]

In recognition of World Melanoma Awareness Month, we call on golfers to remember the importance of sun protection.

Improve your long game is our free sun protection program in NSW golf clubs.

Before taking on The Longest Day, check out our tips for staying the course.