Tag: HPV
New research shows new HPV testing approach has picked up extra cancers that would have been missed by Pap Smear tests.
Thanks to cancer research, we’re on track to eliminating cervical cancer.
Vaccines help the body to fight and destroy harmful germs including certain viruses that can cause cancer.
Australia is on track to eliminating cervical cancer, but more needs to be done to help Indigenous women.
Australia could further reduce cervical cancer incidence and mortality by offering self-collection more widely.
Today is International HPV Awareness Day, but what does this have to do with cervical cancer? Well, we know that HPV is the main cause of cervical cancer and because we’ve been able to apply this to our national vaccination and screening programs, we’re closer than ever to eliminating the disease! In fact, recent Cancer […]
Authors: Adjunct Professor Karen Canfell and Associate Professor Marion Saville As Australia prepares to transition to a new National Cervical Screening Program in December, a research study has found that Human Papillomavirus (HPV) screening is more effective at detecting high-grade cervical abnormalities than Pap tests. The study, called Compass, is a timely confirmation of just how effective […]
Image courtesy of University of Queensland Faculty of Medicine. We have now reached a huge milestone in cervical cancer prevention: every woman in Australia aged 35 years and younger is better protected against HPV than ever before. HPV – the human papillomavirus – is the cause of virtually all cervical cancers, so this is a […]