Tag: cancer survivor

John was diagnosed with cancer 11 years ago. Now cancer-free, he gives back as a Transport to Treatment driver.

An elderly couple standing outdoors.

Australia has one of the highest rates of prostate cancer in the world with over 16,700 men expected to be diagnosed this year alone. Due to improved methods of detection, and a growing and ageing population, the number of men surviving long after diagnosis has been steadily increasing. New research by Cancer Council NSW has […]

When Michelle Beattie’s hair began to fall out, she asked her five-year-old son Jackson if he would like to help her cut off the rest.   “I started chemotherapy and I explained to Jackson that I was going to lose my hair,” Michelle said.  “As soon as my hair fell out, I asked him if […]

We explore the complexities of significant life changes and managing every day when it feels like nobody understands.

This is Chez’s story of going through radiation treatment during COVID-19. 

This is Vicki’s story of how she has been forced to self-isolate during her breast cancer treatment.

The evolving COVID-19 situation has impacted all of us. For people affected by cancer, the pandemic has created particularly difficult challenges.  We asked our community to share how COVID-19 has impacted them.    This is Winnie Nguyen’s story of how COVID-19 kept her and her beloved mum Landa apart when Landa was dying from lung […]

Jill’s first sign of illness In July 2017, Jill Golland was shocked when one day she tried to start writing a grocery list and suddenly her hand could not form the letters and her speech became slurred. After going to the hospital, she found out she had had a small transient ischaemic attack (TIA). “They […]

February is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. Ovarian cancer has the lowest survival rate of any women’s cancer in Australia – we’re working to change the odds. Linda’s sudden and unexpected diagnosis Three years ago, Linda Grebert had no indication of the journey that lay before her. One day, she started experiencing some back pain and […]

We explore the impact that cancer diagnosis, its treatment and post cancer life can have on men.