Tag: advanced cancer

We look at how you can manage your daily routine so that you can live well with advanced cancer.

Searching for information in the wake of hearing that you have advanced cancer can be a daunting task at the best of times. The facts and figures are out there, but there is very little that discusses the more personal and social issues that linger around the disease. To bridge this gap in available resources, […]

Just hours before my father died peacefully in a palliative care ward, surrounded by his family, he whispered that he “didn’t think it would be like this”. We hadn’t spoken about what his death might be like when we learned he had advanced cancer, but I still wonder whether the lead-up to his death matched […]

When Michael Mulchrone learned the lung cancer he thought long gone had migrated to his brain and doctors mentioned palliative care in 2015, he was fearful of the journey ahead. A year-and-a-half later, Mike says palliative care wasn’t a “death blow” after all but a life-enriching experience. “When I was first diagnosed, I was left […]