Blog Topic: Prevention & screening

We bust three common cancer myths and reveal the truth behind them.

Planning to hit the golf course with friends? Protect yourself from the sun in three easy steps.

Learn the facts about eating red and processed meat and our tips on how much you can eat.

Most people associate lung cancer with tobacco but did you know there are 16 cancers that can be caused by smoking?

Water being poured into a cup of ice.

Drinking alcohol increases your risk of cancer. Learn 12 ways to reduce your intake.

Right now, you may be spending more time than ever at home thinking of what to eat. You might also find it easier to order takeaway delivered to your doorstep. However, convenience comes with a price both to your bank account and health. Here are three reasons why you should choose home-cooked meals over takeaways […]

We know that Aussie men – particularly of older generations – aren’t really known for opening up about their health and ‘life stuff’. But whether it’s Fathers’ Day or Men’s Health Week, we want to encourage men to check in with their health all year round. To get the ball rolling, here are some key […]

Often people don’t think about sun protection in winter, but in many parts of Australia UV levels are 3 or above right through the winter months. If you ski you are at greater risk – UV levels are higher in alpine regions than at sea level and snow is highly reflective. Even mild sunburn can increase […]

Today is International HPV Awareness Day, but what does this have to do with cervical cancer? Well, we know that HPV is the main cause of cervical cancer and because we’ve been able to apply this to our national vaccination and screening programs, we’re closer than ever to eliminating the disease! In fact, recent Cancer […]

Do you want to learn about how you can reduce your cancer risk? How about what we do at Cancer Council? Or the research we conduct and fund? Perhaps you want to hear from someone who has had their own cancer experience and what it was like for them? Today (2 March 2020), we are […]