Blog Topic: Healthcare

Photo sourced from iStock The adage ‘this too shall pass’ is often used in society when we face tough times but what happens when the challenge doesn’t go away? For many people who have experienced cancer, the chronic condition lymphoedema follows and lingers. It can be debilitating and it’s incurable. What is Lymphoedema? Lymphoedema involves […]

Kerry Moss and her daughter Stephanie Ewing Life is full of inequities based on our postcodes but when it comes to specialist palliative care, nobody should miss out. The reality is, some people are denied life-enriching palliative care when it’s needed most because of a shortage of specialist palliative care across the state. The latest […]

Mike Mulchrone                              When Michael Mulchrone learned the lung cancer he thought long gone had migrated to his brain and doctors mentioned palliative care in 2015, he was fearful of the journey ahead. A year-and-a-half later, Mike says palliative care wasn’t a […]

Just hours before my father died peacefully in a palliative care ward, surrounded by his family, he whispered that he “didn’t think it would be like this”. We hadn’t spoken about what his death might be like when we learned he had advanced cancer, but I still wonder whether the lead-up to his death matched […]

Photo: Fred Binge and daughter Teena A cancer diagnosis and any mention of palliative care is troubling, but for Teena’s dad, Aboriginal community leader Frederick (Fred) Binge, extra hurdles that need not have been there, lay on his path.  When Fred was told by a doctor in 2013 that his liver cancer was terminal, while […]

It’s NAIDOC Week, and Cancer Council NSW’s Aboriginal web resource is turning one. The website was launched last year to raise cancer awareness, offer support services and provide information for Aboriginal communities around the state. So far the interaction has been really positive. Cancer is the second most common cause of death for Aboriginal people, […]

This National Reconciliation Week, Cancer Council NSW are urgently calling on the NSW Government to increase the Aboriginal workforce in cancer services across the state. We know that the update of the NSW Government’s ‘Good Health – Great Jobs’ NSW Health Aboriginal Workforce Strategic Framework 2011-2015 will be finalised in the first half of this […]

Robert Salt

As we recognise National Close the Gap day across the country this week, Cancer Council NSW has renewed calls for an increased Aboriginal cancer workforce to help improve cancer survival in Aboriginal communities. This comes as new Cancer Council NSW research reveals that Aboriginal people are 68 per cent more likely to die from bowel […]

“My everyday life is affected 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. There is never a moment when any decision I make isn’t governed by my leg.” Helga, on living with lymphoedema. Almost five years ago, as an advocacy volunteer with Cancer Council NSW, I attended a dinner meeting of […]

The Clinical Oncology Society of Australia’s Annual Scientific Meeting (COSA), the nation’s premier gathering of cancer health professionals, kicked off in Hobart on 17 November. This three day event brought together leading clinicians, scientists, oncologists, surgeons, nurses, pharmacists and allied health professionals who are working in cancer care nationally and globally. Members of the research […]