Recent articles by Joel Katz

Cancer Council NSW is here to help you as a healthcare professional. If you have a patient or carer who needs support, we can help you find the right service to meet their information, emotional or practical needs throughout their cancer experience. We’ve just launched a new section on our website dedicated to health professionals […]

Diagnosing cancer involves a combination of tests and scans to find and assess abnormal cells. Here are some of the main tests and imaging techniques used for cancer diagnosis: 1. CT scan (Computerised Tomography) A CT scan uses X-rays and a computer to create detailed pictures of the body. It helps identify tumours, their size, […]

Early-stage pancreatic cancer rarely causes obvious symptoms. Symptoms may not appear until the cancer is large enough to affect nearby organs or has spread. In this blog, we will talk about some of the common signs of pancreatic cancer. 1. Jaundice The first symptom of pancreatic cancer is often jaundice. Signs of jaundice may include […]

In recognition of Pancreatic Cancer Awareness month, here are six things you should know about pancreatic cancer.

September is Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month. Here are 6 things to know about ovarian cancer.